
Little Red Riding Hood

Little Red Riding Hood lived with her mother and father in a house in the forest.

One day Little Red Riding Hood's mother said, "Will you take these cakes to Grandmother ?"


It was an important day in the animal kingdom. All the animals had gathered at Pride Rock to catch the first glimpse of teh newborn prince Simba-


I'll bet a lot of you folks out there don't believe in wishing on stars. You know- make a wish on the first star you see at night and your wish will came true?

Fun and games

The Ladybird Key Words Reading Scheme is based on these commonly used words. Those used most often in the English language are introduced first - with other words of popular appeal to children. All the Key Words list is covered in the early books, and the later titles use further word lists to develop full reading fluency. The total number of different words which will be learned in the complete reading scheme is nearly two thousand. The gradual introduction of these words, frequent repetition and complete 'carry-over' from book to book, will ensure rapid learning. The full colour illustrations have been designed to create a desirable attitude towards learningby making every child eager to read each title. Thus this attractive reading scheme embraces not only the latest findings in word frequency, but also the natural interests and activities of happy children. Each book contains a list of the new words introduced.

Little Red Hen

"Will you help me

plant the wheat?"

asked Little Red Hen.

"NO, " said the rat, the cat and the dog.


The Enormous Turnip level 1

This title is based on the classic fairy tale.

When an old man plants some turnip seeds, one of the turnips grows enormous! How will he ever get it out of the ground?

Read it yourself with Ladybird is one of Ladybird's best-selling series. For over thirty-five years it has helped young children who are learning to read develop and improve their reading skills. Each Read it yourself book is very carefully written to include many keys, high-frequency words that are vital for learning to read, as well as a limited number of story words that are introduced and practiced throughout. Simple sentences and frequently repeated words help to build the confidence of beginner readers and the four different levels of books support children all the way from very first reading practice through to independent, fluent reading. Each book has been carefully checked by educational consultants and can be read independently at home or used in a guided reading session at school. Further content includes comprehension puzzles, helpful notes for parents, carers, and teachers, and book band information for use in schools.

Things we do

Peter and Jane are at home. They want to make a car to play with. They want to make a car like Daddy's.

Jane helps Peter. "It looks good," She says "We can have fun with it."

The Wizard of Oz

Dorothy was at home on the farm, playing with her little dog.

She saw a cyclone coming, so she picked up her little dog and look him into the house.

The cyclone came.

It picked up dorothy's house and took it away.

The house came down in a strange land.

A good witch came to see dorothy.

The Enormous Turnip

The old man planted some turnip seeds. 

The turnip seeds grew and grew.

One turnip grew enormous.

"I want that enormous turnip for my tea," said the old man.

He pulled and he pulled, but he couldn't pull it up.

The Elves and the Shoemaker

Once upon a time, there was a poor shoemaker and his wife.

"This is all the leather I have left," said the poor shoemaker. "I can make just one pair of shoes."


The Three Billy Goats Gruff

Read It Yourself Level-1

1.Essential Vocabulary for early reading
2.Simple Sentences
3.Large clear type
4.Repeated Phrases
5.Lively, Humorous illustrations
6.A close match between pictures and words

Adventure on the island

Peter and Jane have a rich uncle who has come to live near them. the rich uncle has two boys who are their cousins. The cousins are lot older than Peter and Jane but they are all very good friends together.

jack and the Beanstalk-Level-3

Jack and his mother were very poor. all they had was one cow. One day, jack"s mother said, "go and sell our cow and bring the money back to me. Jack took the cow away to sell. on the way, he met a man who wanted to buy the cow.....

Key words Play with us-1a

The key Words Reading Scheme
The Ladybird Keywords Reading Scheme Uses the most frequently met words in the English language-Key Words -as a starting Point for learning to read Successfully and Confidently. With this essential Vocabulary established, Children are able to tackle more complicated reading.

Have a go

The key Words Reading Scheme
The Ladybird Keywords Reading Scheme Uses the most frequently met words in the English language-Key Words -as a starting Point for learning to read Successfully and Confidently. With this essential Vocabulary established, Children are able to tackle more complicated reading.

Adventure at the Castle

As John and Simon got ready for their holiday they talked to each other of what they hoped to see and do. They both wanted to drive along way to see places that were new to them.

The Wizard of Oz Level-4

one upon a time there was a little girl called Dorothy. Dorothy lived on a farm in Kansas, America. She lived with her aunt, her uncle, and her little dog, Toto.
one day.......

Key Words With Ladybird

Here are peter and Jane. They like to play up they go Up, up, up they go.
i like this, say Peter.Pat the dog wants to play.
Jane and Peter like to Play.
Here They are at play

Hank the Cowdog

Hank the Cowdog, Head of Ranch Security, is framed for the murder of a chicken and becomes an outlaw with the coyotes.